You are the Product

Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Wouldn’t you like to be your own boss? Don’t you wish you could make your own schedule or take time off when you need to? Of course you would, BUT…

This is how a conversation might go when speaking to the average person about the possibility of them becoming an entrepreneur. Usually the word “but” is injected into the conversation when the individual  does not think that they what it takes to be an entrepreneur. A few examples of what an individual may feel they are lacking include good business ideas, necessary skills, and time.

Everyone wants their product or service to be the most original. Many entrepreneur hopefuls try as hard as they can to come up with a big idea thinking it is the only way to be successful on their own. They will ask themselves questions like “Why would anyone want to do business with me when there are ten other people in town providing the same service?” Many times the individual will answer their question with this solution. “I’ll just be better than my competitors by making sure my product is better.” Though the question and it’s subsequent response are understandable, they are off focus.

Contrary to popular belief, the product or service you have to offer is of little importance in regards to your success. It is not true that there are ten other people in town with the same product. The fact is, you are the product! Unless you are a clone, you are different than every other individual on this planet. Making sure your product is better than everyone else in town is a great idea, as long as you understand what that means. Success is created from the inside out, work on yourself to improve your product. Am I saying that you don’t actually need a good or service to offer to a customer or client? No, I am not saying that, although there have been many entrepreneurs who have sold a job before they even knew how to complete it. I am simply saying that it is you that has to be original, not what you are selling.

Most people who want to be entrepreneurs feel like in order to be successful they need to have the necessary skills for their field.  Does this come as a surprise to you? Who would have ever thought that to be successful you need to know what you are doing. Unfortunately, a lot of people think they don’t have the needed skills and it holds them back. Again, just like the above example of a person who can’t come up with the ingenious idea, they are missing the picture.

Being successful requires passion, and a love for what you are doing. If you go into a particular field of work that you don’t love, you are likely headed down the wrong track. This explains why the excuse of not knowing enough or having the right skills to start your business is wrong. More than likely, anything you are passionate about is something you’ve spent countless hours doing. You know a lot about the subject and you are probably pretty good at it too. Making sure that you follow your passion will rule out the possibility of not having the proper skills or knowledge. Take who you are and turn it into opportunity.

Time is our most valuable commodity and the perceived lack thereof has kept many entrepreneurs from ever getting started on their dream. Almost every day you will hear somebody say “I don’t have enough time.” Lack of time is a poor excuse because simply put, everyone is busy. A more honest reply would be, “I would rather do something else.” Today, the average person spends nearly ninety minutes on social media per day and even longer surfing the web. Shockingly, the average American watches five hour of television per day. After reading those statistics, I can see why some people think they don’t have time.

It’s hard to do, but being an entrepreneur takes sacrifice. As the saying goes, man can not gain anything without giving something first, this includes your time. If being your own boss is truly your goal, then you will find time to make it happen. What you spend your time doing defines you, maximize yourself. Remember, making time for your dreams means making time for you because you are your product.

You are the big idea, you have the skills to do what you are supposed to be doing and you do have time for yourself. Sell yourself, not a product. You are original, you are qualified and you are ready to get started. Get out there and do it, and don’t forget to sell yourself to yourself.