Nothing to Something, Together

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Derek Davis and I am from a small town in North Carolina. I have decided to take a chance and move to Raleigh to pursue a career in sales, starting with real estate. During this journey I will constantly be working on increasing value to myself by creating better habits, a healthier lifestyle and learning from those who are where I want to be. I am doing this by making a more conscious effort to learn every day and then focus on mastering one specific improvement each week. I am hopeful that you will use this as motivation to help better your life and bring value back to you. I already know that if you are reading this, then you too have the drive and determination needed to make something more of yourself. We can go from nothing to something, together.

I am 25 years old and haven’t done much since I got out of high school. I played college football and had four surgeries before I finally quit after only three years. I then spent the next four years doing hard labor jobs for not very much money. Hell, the last year and a half was spent cleaning out porta johns. I was stuck and I had put my faith in the hands of others. I am telling you this because I finally had enough…and a beautifully driven girlfriend who reminded me of my true potential. But it doesn’t matter where you’re at right now because you do have the potential, and the drive. Laziness is a direct result of poor time management leading to snowball effect of depression. The most important thing, is to finally decide to go for it. But before you do that you need to honestly believe in yourself. Who are you? What are your goals? And who are you doing them for? I am a smart good looking guy who will make at least six figures, one year from today. I am going to do this for myself, my girlfriend and my future family. I have surrounded myself with a very reliable cast that I can go to for help. Do not let others bring you down, especially those closest to you. With my faith, I am taught to trust in the Lord.

This upcoming week I will be spending time studying to take my real estate exam. So my focus outside of that will be time management. I will try to eliminate useless time spent doing nothing. I believe time is the most valuable resource there is simply because it cannot be bought and eventually it always runs out. By maximizing the 80/20 rule I hope to make the most of my valuable time. I thank you for taking the time to read my article and hope you will continue to follow me and apply these things to your life as well. Remember to know who you are and go for it. Let’s go from nothing to something, together.


Wake up, Urinate Excellence

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? If your answer is to hit the snooze button, this article is for you. Energy is created through every living thing. So if you wake up without energy, are you really living? As the great Shia LeBeauf once stated multiple times, “DO IT, accomplish your dreams. Truth is, most of us won’t be handed success in just one day, so it’s best to invest in ourselves. Together we will create a morning routine that you wake up excited about, that is healthy and puts you in the best position to wake up and urinate excellence.

The first three hours of each day are the most crucial. This gives you plenty of time to get your mind and body focused and ready to take on the day. Obviously this means you should wake up three hours before you need to be at work, school or any other priority. The most important investment we can make is our health and that temple we call a body. So brush your teeth and get ready to workout. Working out in the mornings leaves more time for your priorities and is proven to increase focus and improve your mood throughout the day. There are many of amazing resources to help give an idea of what workout will best fit you, just google morning workout routines. High intensity workouts tend to be ideal but I recommend doing what feels most comfortable to you. Make sure to drink a lot of water. Breakfast is the next crucial part of your morning routine and my personal favorite. This is what fuels you, kick-starts your metabolism and continues your morning in the right direction. I highly recommend either emailing or visiting a local nutritionist to make sure you are consuming the correct amount of nutrients and vitamins.

After you work out, shower, get dressed and eat breakfast you should have approximately 30-45 minutes to yourself. This is valuable time that can be used to stimulate your mind. You can complete a crossword, meditate, read or finish planning the rest of the day in the order that brings you the most value. Time is our most valuable asset, so by figuring out and preforming a morning routine, we help eliminate wasted time hitting the snooze button. There is no wait 15 minutes for my coffee to hit as soon as you get to work. No, wake up, get up and start urinating excellence.