Faith, Fun, and Fentanyl – Storms

Good Morning –

Today marks the first topical post for Faith, Fun, and Fentanyl. I hope you will enjoy my thoughts. Hopefully you will embrace some of my thoughts, debate some, and ponder others. Here at Positive Imbalance we hope to provide a thought provoking atmosphere that will allow both the reader and the writer the opportunity to experience change in his/her own life in a positive way.

My opening topic will be on my “faith,” as it is the basis for all other aspects of my life. I’d simply say “I’m a Christian,” but in today’s social media environment, everyone claims to be a Christian. I describe myself as a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe the gospel message of Jesus’ virgin birth, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection. I believe that this life is our “window of opportunity” and what we believe about Jesus Christ will determine what happens next. My faith has helped guide me through this life and weather the many storms that life has thrown my way. Sometimes is seems life consists of three weather patterns; We are coming out of a storm, In a storm, or heading into a storm. When life is going good be grateful! At times I’ve been blindsided by life’s storms, but usually I stubbornly walk head on into a storm. I’ve stumbled through twenty-seven years of marriage, raising two children, working a job, and all the extra life that goes along with it. I am thankful that my faith has provided shelter through each storm I have encountered. I believe the storms in any life provide the very seeds needed for us to grow into who we are today. I read where the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges are some of the highest in the country. On one side of the mountain you have a vast number of national forests, parks, and a variety of flourishing wilderness. On the other side is the Sierra Desert, a vast area of nothingness. The theory is, the many storms that are present form the wilderness side. The storms weaken before they can pass over the mountain range into the desert. Our life is like the desert, without the storms, there is no growth. Just something to think about until next week. Think on it!

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